Thursday, 7 August 2014

People want to read about my crazy life

Wow! I bared it all and WOW! People want to read about my crazy life --- So why not start documenting this stuff, maybe just maybe I could help someone else who is going through this journey of pain too.

I note how many people naturally want to share and help with experiences of treatment - People who don't know me and who have just read about me have taken the time to share with me some of their own helpful stuff! How cool is that! my facebook page has loads of people buzzing and sharing my crazy story!

Its humbling.
Its also sad.

Bitter sweet sadness because this isn't just a story, this is my life.
In about 2 hours time I would have picked up my kids from school, my husband will come home from work, and life will go on in our very conservative calm and quiet world - well quite LOUD really, (4 boys)
 Ok so lets look at this vibe this story has created -
I want to hear from you all HERE!

Can you guys all be like my virtual visitors? We could do like coffee and cake catch ups HERE!

I want to actually contribute to society somehow with sharing information etc, I want to create a pool of peeps who like me still have to keep on keeping on even when you really want to go back to bed BUT can't!

Thank you for reading my story :) Be part of the rest of it too!

Salz x


  1. I'll hold your hand and listen if that helps

  2. Thank you very much for reading my blog - keep in touch and if there are any ideas or info I can help with please ask :) Take good care
    Salz x
